Best Beachcombing And Fieldwalking Finds

Sometimes I fall in love with an item I have found, this can be a plant, flower, or feather, just as much as it could be a unique stone, fossil, or relic. These are my top ten finds so far...

1. Some Sort of Jasper? - This stone was actually originally part of a huge boulder, which I found outside my ex partners parents farmhouse in Granada, Spain. I have a massive interest in minerals and the farmhouse stood in a very beautiful and mountainous area. We went out with pick axes and I developed a great method for finding crystals and minerals. It was as simple as finding the crustiest looking boulder or stone around, (one that was crusty but has a definite shape.) Then smash it open, 9/10 times we found minerals or crystals inside.

This was the first boulder I smashed open, and it was so amazing I wanted to keep the whole thing. I chipped off this part with the pick axe, and it was one of the few pieces I got to bring back from Spain. Of course my luggage was full of stones and at the airport I had to remove most of them before I was allowed to get on the plane, or pay an extra £5 per kg which I did not have, Very annoying.

2. Old Tile - This is a tile that I found in the sea at Reculver years ago as a child. It fascinated me then and still does today. There is a lot of history at Reculver, and I would love to know more about the tile and the pattern on it, was it from the Roman Villa? Or from when the building was a church. There also used to be a village at Reculver that was taken by the sea, so maybe it's from there.

3. Old Pipe - I found this weird old instrument in the woods, it was just lying there waiting to be picked up. Made out of an elder branch. My partner says it's from hippies, but I think it's something to do with the manor house that used to stand near by.

3. Old Button - I decided to change my mind on the old pipe because it looks germy, and go for this old faceted glass button. (I assume it's glass as it is not heavy.) It was just lying on the top of the field.

4. Quartz Crystals - Another rock from Spain, this one was inside a crusty stone too, which I smashed open. I like this one because it has quite large crystal points and it looks really rustic! The day I went crystal hunting in Spain we also found a lump of rose quartz that was at least as big as a car! I so, so wanted it, but no way in the world if shifting that!

5.Weird old pottery - I was really drawn to this piece of pottery that I found lying in a stream, I don't know if it's old as I cant find anything with the same kind of pattern to compare it with. I assume it is old as the pattern is kind of weird and a bit mystical. I made it into a pendant as I wanted to keep it safe.

6. Woodland Orchids - First time I saw orchids growing in the wild was a few years ago, these are the same orchids but since the super wet winter, they have really flourished. The site is now full of them. I thought it was the same species of orchid, but recently I have noticed some different types there. It is really nice to see them growing in abundance like this. One I snapped.

7. Mystical Pottery - Mystical again because it has weird markings, the pattern on this one is pearlescent, blue, with funny things that look like either, jellyfish, mushrooms, or space rocket-mushroom hybrids! It feels nice to the touch too! I will swap this photo for a better one of the pot soon.

8. A spindle tree to rival all others! I found a tree with so much fruit in it that I could see it from right across the field. Never seen one with so many fruits before so it was a treat! This photo is so out of focus because the camera just could not pick a spot to focus on, there were just so many fruits.

9. A gemstone type thing - I found this one recently, few days ago, it looks like a gemstone, but I think it is actually glass, it is red when held up to the light, but feels light and glass-like.

10. An interesting stone - This one is really cool, a piece of flint with a very smooth bowl shaped depression, the depression is pink inside and quite deep. It could be used as an ashtray even, but I've never done that of course ;)

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