I Have Found Another Skull And Also Something Horrible!

I keep stumbling on animal skulls lately, and bits of animal skulls! I am not even looking for them, they just seem to be around a hell of a lot.

The skull I found this time was probably a rabbit. That is a guess based on it's nose size, skull shape, and the fact that it's teeth are nice and white. I first thought it was from a huge rat, because the front teeth are thinner than a rabbits. Rats have longer thinner teeth, but normally wild rats teeth are bright yellow.

Of course it could be a water vole, water rat....etc. I have not had a real good look at it or compared it to any skulls online. I put this one straight into a jar of bleach to soak for a while as I felt icky.

The next thing I found was pretty horrific, what looked like a severed puppys head. It was just lying there on the path in a meadow. The face was all there, it's eyes were closed, and it looked as though the dear little thing was asleep, but the back of the head was hollow and you could see right inside the skull. There was no brain inside.

I am really squeamish but it did not make me want to puke or anything, it's face looked so peaceful and cute, that I was surprised that something dead could look like that. I took a photo of it because if it is a puppies head I think I should tell the RSPCA or Police?

It could possibly be from a baby fox, but I have held a baby fox and it's face was not like this head thing I found, the baby fox I held had a turned up nose and this is straight. I won't post the picture because I'm sure the readers of this blog don't want to see a severed puppys head.

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